I’m a writer, editor and novelist, but I’m not a princess or queen, and definitely not a goddess.
I’m a rogue of fantasy and magic, digging up folklore, history, the unexplained and the interesting.
Who wants to be a princess or queen, with all those responsibilities, or a goddess with all those issues, when I can sneak around in the shadows telling stories by a campfire?
I’m Jenny and welcome to my woods.

Stories are what I know best.
I’ve been telling stories since I was very small when my mum would make them up for me, then we’d make them up together, until I grabbed a pencil, learned to spell ‘because’ and was away!
My fantasy writing started after a trip to the cinema, when Gandalf led us into the Mines of Moria and lit them up with his staff. For the first time in my life, my ever-chatty brain fell silent.
Although, before then there were vampires. Because, puberty.
Now, hundreds of years decades later, there are hunters and warriors, witches and fae, sky pirates and dragons, a touch of romance, a sparkle of Christmas (the darkness is where fairy lights shine the brightest), falling madly in love with interesting people and the hunt for a murderer who thinks they’re clever but can’t outsmart a Scottish brownie.
There’s helping others to learn, appreciate and take part in the fascinating world and stories that are all around us.
Join me in the woods.
The campfire is ready and I’ve bought a fresh bag of marshmallows.
Mind your step and I would advise keeping to the path. You never know what might be lurking in the undergrowth. You should know that nothing here will hurt you.
Well, almost nothing.
Working in the tourism, cultural or heritage sector and in need of a writer, editor and storyteller?
Find out how I can help.